Michelson Interferometer Experiment

  1. Read through the lab manuals from the University of Colorado 3340 class and the Cornell 5510 class regarding the Michelson Interferometer experiment.
  2. Derive how the difference in optical path length can yield a measurement of wavelength.
  3. Using a He-Ne laser, construct a Michelson interferometer and observe interference fringes.  Slide the movable mirror to change one of the optical path lengths, and using the wavelength of the laser, determine the change in optical path length.   Determine the mechanical advantage of the lever arm in the screw gauge.  Also determine the error of the screw gauge (Cornell objective 1)
  4. Replace the laser with the another laser, and measure the wavelengths of the new laser.
  5. Measure white light interference patterns (similar to Cornell objective 3).
  6. Use the interferometer to measure the index of refraction of a glass microscope slide.  Use the slide to change the optical path length.

You may find the following references useful:

Cornell instruction 1

Cornell instruction 2


Original paper

Use of gratings to find interferometer whitelight fringes